Ivan Kytasty

Ivan Kytasty [Іван Китастий], (b. 1902 in Kobeliaky, Poltava, Ukraine; d. 1972 in Detroit, MI). Bandurist and conductor. Ivan Kytasty was born in central Ukraine in the town of Kobeliaky (Poltava). He was trained as a church choir director in the early 1920s. In 1949, he came to America as a member of the famous Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus which was led by his brother Hryhory Kytasty (1907-1984). He was the choir director at St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Pokrova) in Detroit, MI (1950-1975). Kytasty passed away in 1975. A year later, his son Petro became the choir director at St. Mary’s and remained there for the next thirty years.


1949: Came to America.

1950-1975: Conductor at St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Detroit, MI).


Вірую (The Creed) 

Composer: Kyiv Chant 

Creator: I. Kytasty

Date created: December 12, 1967

Location: Detroit, MI

Description: Liturgical hymn