Mykola Bryn

Mykola Bryn [Микола Бринь] (b. 1915 in Kyiv, Ukraine; d. 1991 in Minneapolis, MN). Longtime choirmaster of St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN, and the founder and director of the Dnipro Ukrainian Chorus. He studied violin at the Kyiv National Music Academy. Following his ordination in Germany as a deacon of the Orthodox Church, he set out for America in 1946. At first, he directed the choir at the parish of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Troy, NY, and then at SS. Peter and Paul in Chicago, IL. He relocated to Minnesota in 1954, where he was the choir director at St. Michael and St. George Church. In 1959, he established the Dnipro Ukrainian Chorus, which gave concerts and produced recordings. His wife Oksana, a native Ukrainian, was the featured soprano soloist. Over the years, he issued a number of music publications promoting the works of Ukrainian composers.


1946: Ordained a deacon in Germany.

1949: Choir Director at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Troy, NY).

1951: Choir Director at SS. Peter and Paul UOC (Chicago, IL).

1954: Choir Director at St. Michael & St. George UOC (Minneapolis, MN).

1959: Established the Dnipro Ukrainian Chorus (Minneapolis, MN).


Отче наш (Our Father)

Composer: A. Dubensky.

Creator: M. Bryn.

Date created: 1952.

Location: Chicago, IL.

Description: Liturgical prayer.

Пaнaхидa (Panakhyda)

Composer: K. Stetsenko.

Creator: M. Bryn.

Date created: May 1986.

Location: Minneapolis, MN.

Description: Liturgical prayer.