Eugene Ciura

Eugene Ciura [Євген Цюрa], (b. 1915 in Radomyshl, Volyn, Zhytomyr oblast; d. March 13, 2001, in Windsor, ON). Bandurist and church choir director at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Windsor, Ontario, from 1966 to 1996. Having entered the Kyiv Conservatory of Music to study conducting and singing, he also developed an interest in learning to play the bandura. In 1942, he became a leading member of the official State Ukrainian Bandurist Capella, later renamed the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus. He came with the chorus to America in 1949 to begin a new life in the Detroit area. During his time as choir director at St. Vladimir Cathedral, he formed a large bandura ensemble made up of his students. The ensemble performed extensively and made recordings. Ciura passed away in 2001 and is buried at Windsor Memorial Gardens.


1935: Member of the Bandurist Capella of the State Radio.

1942: Director of the State Ukrainian Bandurist Capella (Kyiv).

1949: Came to America.

1963: Director of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Detroit, MI).

1966-1996: Choir director at St. Vladimir UOC (Windsor, ON).


Достойно (Hymn to the Mother of God).

Composer: K. Stetsenko.

Creator: E. Ciura.

Date: n/d (ca. 1988).

Place: Windsor, Ontario.

Description: Liturgical hymn.

Плaчy і ридaю (Plachu i rydaiu).

Composer: Kyiv chant, Tone 4.

Creator: E. Ciura.

Date: n/d (ca. 1988).

Place: Windsor, Ontario.

Description: Funeral song.