Michael Dobosh

Michael Dobosh [Михaйло Добош] became the choir director at St. John’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Newark, NJ, in 1956. He replaced Theodore Kaskiw, who founded the choir in 1909 and directed it for nearly half a century. The church choir under Dobosh’s leadership rose to new heights, making recordings and giving concerts in different cities. In 1969, the choir was invited to Rome to sing for the dedication of the Basilica of St. Sophia. Michael Dobosh retired from St. John’s after 1988 and was replaced by Michael Stashchyshyn from Lviv.


1955: Director and cantor at Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral (Philadelphia, PA).

1956-1988:  Choir Director at St. John the Baptist UCC (Newark, NJ).


Відпyст (Dismissal)

Composer: O. Koshetz.

Creator: M. Dobosh.

Date created: 1979.

Place: Newark, New Jersey.

Description: Ending to the Divine Liturgy.