Russell Kapty

Russell Kapty [Ярослaв Івaн Кaптій], (b. 1938 in St. Boniface, Winnipeg, Manitoba; d. February 9, 2015, in Winnipeg, Manitoba). Choirmaster at St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Winnipeg, Manitoba during the 1960s and 1970s. Born in Winnipeg’s St. Boniface neighborhood in 1938, Russell Kapty worked as a draftsman for the Province of Manitoba. He was active in many of the cultural organizations in the Ukrainian community, including the O. Koshetz Choir. He was a dedicated member of that ensemble and took part in the many concert tours across Canada and countries abroad. He retired from directing in 1979.


1960s-1970s: Choir director at St. Mary the Protectress UOC (Winnipeg, MB).


Liturgical hymns (misc.)

Composer: Various.

Creator: R. Kapty.

Date created: 1960s.

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Description: Excerpts from the liturgy.