Yuri Slastion

Yuri Slastion [Юрій Слaстіон], (b. in January 18, 1903, in Myrhorod, Poltava oblast, Ukraine; d. July 22, 1980, in Denver, CO). Son of Opanas Slastion—the well-known painter, illustrator, architect, and bandurist. He studied music and architecture in Kharkiv. In 1949, Yuri immigrated to America and settled in Denver, CO, where he became the choir director of the newly established Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church of St. Mary’s Protection (Pokrova). He was commissioned to design the iconostas (icon screen) for St. Mary, and did the same for other churches, such as Holy Trinity (Winnipeg, Manitoba) and  St. Michael (Minneapolis, MN). As an active member of the Denver community, he belonged to many national organizations, including the scouting organization PLAST. In 1965, he entered the priesthood and maintained his devotion to the church until his untimely death in 1980.


1920s: Studied music at Lysenko Institute in Kharkiv

1949: Came to America and settled in Denver, CO

1956: Became choir director of St. Mary’s Protection Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (Denver, CO)

1965: Ordained a priest


Літyргія (Liturgy)

Composer: Y. Slastion 

Creator: “Прaвослaвний Укрaїнець” publishers

Date created: 1956

Place: Chicago, IL

Description: Divine Liturgy