Roman Soltykewych

Roman Soltykewych [Ромaн Солтикевич], (b. February 4, 1909, in Lemkivshchyna in the village of Ulyuch [Улюч], Austro-Hungary, now southeast Poland.; d. Nov. 17, 1976, in Edmonton, AB). Director in the 1960s of the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Edmonton, Alberta. He studied choral conducting under Filaret Kolessa at the Lysenko Institute in Lviv. He maintained friendships with writers, poets, artists, cultural and public figures. He was well acquainted with Ivan Franko. Following the Second World War, he spent time at Lexenfeld, a DP camp in Salzburg, Austria (ca. 1945-46). From there, he moved to France and lived there for three years before immigrating to Canada in 1951. He conducted a number of important choirs in Edmonton. At first, he led the choir at St. Josaphat UCC. Then in 1965, he became the choir director at St. John’s Cathedral. He also founded and directed several community choirs: the Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton (1953), the Ukrainian Dnipro Ensemble (1953), the Verkhovyna Choir (1959), and the choir of the Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association (SUMK, 1966). In 1973, he was presented with an achievement award by the Premier of Alberta.


ca. 1945-46: Lexenfeld DP camp in Salzburg, Austria.

1951: Came to Canada and became Choir Director at St. Josaphat UCC.

1953: Founded Ukrainian Male Chorus.

1953: Founded the Ukrainian Dnipro Ensemble.

1959: Founded the Verkhovyna Choir.

1965: Became Choir Director at St. John’s UOC.

1966: Founded the SUMK choir (Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association).

1973: Honored by the Premier of Alberta.


Choir book of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Choir.

Composer: Various.

Creator: R. Soltykewych.

Date created: ca. 1960s.

Place: Edmonton, Alberta.

Description: Anthology of liturgical music.